
©2020 www.poolservicetomball.com

We Clean Pools for Tomball
Licensed · Bonded · Insured
Weekly Pool Service
Equipment Repairs & Upgrades
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Partial Pool Service Plan: The Reliable Custodian of Tomball Swimming Pools

The Partial Pool Service Plan is ideal for Tomball pool and spa owners who have a little extra time in their week to perform the vacuuming and netting when convenient.

Review the info below detailing the service duties of Our Duties vs Your Duties for the Partial Pool Service Plan.

Starting at $149 per month

Our Duties

We analyze your pool water and apply the proper chemicals and minerals to keep your water in optimum condition.
We keep your pool water healthy and purge any algae. See our No Algae Guarantee.
We clean your automatic pool cleaner (bag / filter).
We brush your pool (steps, tiles, walls).
We clean your pool sweep wall screen.
We backwash your filter on regular basis.
We check your pool equipment.
We verify your swimming pool cleaner operation.
We empty your pool skimmer and pump baskets.
We help you monitor your pool operations by reporting any observations of pool issues.

Your Duties

Keep the pool equipment active and operating approving repairs when required.
Vacuum your pool as necessary.
Report any discoveries of swimming pool issues.
Net your pool surface and bottom.
Maintain sufficient water level.

Things to Know

There could be additional startup charges for initial cleaning & treatment.
Monthly plan cost based on a 4 week month.
Required filter cleanings every 3-4/months.
Full Pool Service Equipment and Chemicals

Have little time? Check out our Full Pool Service Plan.

Pools You Find in Tomball Texas

Servicing swimming pools in Tomball, TX we mostly see gunite pools, but we see some fiberglass pools also. There are several myths about the use of fiberglass pools today. Many believe that fiberglass pools look cheap, but with today's technology you can buy a fiberglass pool and have it fit in perfectly with any type of backyard. Some Tomball homeowners have also heard a second myth - that fiberglass pools will pop up, which is just not true if you continually keep your pool filled with water. Fiberglass swimming pools offer customers several different advantages over other types of swimming pools. One being that fiberglass pools are made with a smooth finish which allows for easier vacuuming and algae treatment. Another advantage Tomball homeowners get from owning a fiberglass pool is that with the fiberglass smooth finish it feels much more comfortable on your feet and skin than a regular gunite pool.